While there are still a few things to tweak to get the amp working 100% properly, I went ahead and drew the schematic for this amp, using Adobe Illustrator to keep things nice and tidy. Yes, I did emulate Fender's Vibro Champ schematic while making it, but I also made a few changes along the way. Some capacitors were substituted, etc. In addition, I rearranged a few things compared to the Fender schematic, and now the drawing more closely resembles the actual layout of the chassis. Here it is, the schematic (1st version, anyway) of the Lewis LB110:
The yellow circles denote a change from the original Fender schematic. (click to view full size)
I made the schematic long and thin like that because I intend to transfer it to a plate (like the control panel) and put it on the inside of the back cabinet cover. This will serve a dual purpose: heat shielding & information for anyone attempting to repair or modify the circuits.
If I don't get the tremolo sorted out soon, I am considering taking the amp to an amp tech for assistance. I am certainly not above asking for help!
Congrats on getting it working this far! I've finally caught my way up through all your posts (execpt the really really old ones which I admit to only skimming over because I wanted to get to the good stuff). Looking forwards to reading more.
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