The amp has been finished and I've actually been gigging with it for about 2 years. It has been my sole go-to amp for about 100 shows over that time with almost no issues at all. After the first outing, I blew a resistor at a rehearsal. Not knowing exactly what caused the resistor to blow, I called an amp tech and had him look it over. He determined the problem (I used a resistor of the incorrect value) and fixed it with no problems since.
Lately, the pilot light has been intermittent. At first I assumed it was just a blown bulb, but it seems the socket is prone to shorting out. I haven't quite solved that issue yet, but it has no effect on the playability of the amp whatsoever.

Rubber feet on the bottom to prevent wear.

Badge was created using a sandwich of aluminum, thin Lexan, some processed photographic film, and finally thicker Lexan. The multiple layers of Lexan give it a sense of depth.

Handle recycled from an old garage door.
I intend to keep using it for the time being. By playing it out in public, I've had all sorts of inquiries about the amp and even had several people ask for one of their own. I think I might start taking orders and perhaps even making one with twice the power and reverb.