
Wiring Complete

After wiring the circuit board and heaters, I gained a lot of momentum. I wired all the potentiometers, jacks, and connected all the jumpers from the circuit board to the tube sockets. I used a lot more solder than I had anticipated, but everything went together without too much hassle.

These are just some shots of the rat's nest I have created:

Here you can see the mess I've assembled. I tried to keep things as tidy as possible, and even so things look a little out of control.

A photo of the potentiometers. Notice how the solder tabs all angle inwards. I did it this way to keep wire runs as short as possible, and to make it easier to get a soldering iron in and make the connections.

A close-up of the vibrato tube socket connections.

A bit overwhelming, no?

Here is the AC power cord and power transformer area. Using wire ties keeps things neat. Notice the extra supports on each side of the transformer.

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